Train timetables from TARRAGONA to TORREDEMBARRA

TrainTARRAGONATORREDEMBARRAEntire sectionDurationInfo
REGIONAL 1523418:2418:34SALOU - PORT AVENTURA (18:10) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (19:55) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 1523010:2110:31SALOU - PORT AVENTURA (10:06) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (11:58) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1503811:2311:34REUS (11:05) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (12:55) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 1540007:5508:06LLEIDA (06:15) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (09:49) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1825612:5213:03TORTOSA (11:37) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (14:28) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1809410:5011:03TORTOSA (09:28) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (12:27) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1501620:2720:37ZARAGOZA-DELICIAS (16:30) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (21:54) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 3055616:3516:46SALOU - PORT AVENTURA (16:21) -> L'ARBOC (17:06) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 1524022:2122:31SALOU - PORT AVENTURA (22:07) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (23:52) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1591213:2313:35RIBA-ROJA D'EBRE (11:45) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (14:55) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1503618:5519:06FLIX (17:15) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (20:28) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1502811:5512:04REUS (11:36) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (13:25) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 1523214:3214:42SALOU - PORT AVENTURA (14:18) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (16:07) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 1513821:3721:47REUS (21:19) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (23:19) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1503209:2109:32CASPE (06:57) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (10:55) { mins }}min
REGIONAL 3055413:1213:23SALOU - PORT AVENTURA (12:56) -> L'ARBOC (13:43) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1503406:5307:03REUS (06:35) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (08:24) { mins }}min
REG.EXP. 1809621:2021:35VALENCIA-ESTACIÒ DEL NORD (16:45) -> BARCELONA-ESTACIÓ DE FRANÇA (22:57) { mins }}min

Questions and answers about the route and trains from TARRAGONA to TORREDEMBARRA

What time does the first train leave from TARRAGONA to TORREDEMBARRA?

The first train between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA leaves at 18:24

What time does the last train leave from TARRAGONA to TORREDEMBARRA?

The last train between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA leaves at 21:20

What time does the first train arrive from TARRAGONA to TORREDEMBARRA?

The first train between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA arrives at 18:34

What time does the last train arrive from TARRAGONA to TORREDEMBARRA?

The last train between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA arrives at 21:35

How many trains are there between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA every day?

There are 19 trains between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA every day.

Which trains are there every day between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA?

Trains run every day between TARRAGONA and TORREDEMBARRA: REGIONAL 15234, REGIONAL 15230, REG.EXP. 15038, REGIONAL 15400, REG.EXP. 18256, REG.EXP. 18094, REG.EXP. 15016, REGIONAL 30556, REGIONAL 15240, REG.EXP. 15912, REG.EXP. 17050, REG.EXP. 15036, REG.EXP. 15028, REGIONAL 15232, REGIONAL 15138, REG.EXP. 15032, REGIONAL 30554, REG.EXP. 15034, REG.EXP. 18096